Attending a church for the first time is full of unknowns. Below are some frequently asked questions that we hope will help you feel more at ease.
Where are you located?
We are located at 830 Sunrise Drive, St. Peter. We are at the corner of Sunrise Dr & Traverse Rd.
What time does the service start?
We meet at 10:00am each Sunday.
What about my kids?
We love kids attending church with us.
What should I wear?
Come wearing whatever you are comfortable in! We have no dress code!
What can I expect from a Sunday Service?
We have a live band that will lead you in singing, reading of the scripture and a special children's message. We sing mostly contemporary songs. Our entire service is about an hour long.
Is there communion and can I participate?
Yes. We serve communion every week. We believe that Holy Communion is our Lord sharing Himself with us.
What denomination are you affiliated with?
River of LIFE is part of the LCMS - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
It is for those who believe in Jesus as Savior and Lord, regret offending God by their sin, recognize their need for His forgiveness, and believe that they receive. His body and blood for forgiveness, life, and salvation.
How can I view services online?
Live service can be viewed weekly using the Livestream service button below.