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LERT DISASTER RELIEF TRAINING Opportunities are coming to bring the mercy of God to the survivors of Hurricane Helene! Join in by attending the Lutheran Early Response Team (LERT) Disaster Relief Training. We hope to gather a group from River of LIFE to participate in this training. If you're interested or have any questions, please contact Pastor.
When: Saturday, October 26, 2024 Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm Where: Trinity Lutheran, Faribault


OCTOBERFEST  Come join us for Octoberfest on Sun, Oct 13. We will be serving food and playing games. This will be a fundraiser to raise money for the air conditioner that went out last month.


FIRST COMMUNION CLASS Has your child been asking about Communion? Is your child in 3rd grade or above and hasn’t yet attended a Communion class? They may be ready to receive the LORD's Supper for the first time! At River of LIFE, parents decide when their child is ready. If your child seems ready or if you have any questions, please contact Pastor Brian. We are offering a First Communion Class on Saturday, October 26, from 9:00am to 11:00am. Let us know if this time works for you or not, and we will find a time that does.


OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Partnering with Samaritan's Purse: River of LIFE Lutheran is partnering with Samaritan's Purse in this global mission project to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations by spreading the gospel and Great Joy to children in need around the world.


How to Get Involved: Families and individuals can make meaningful memories by packing shoebox gifts for children in need! What a great way to start a Christmas tradition that emphasizes giving as the LORD says, "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). We invite everyone to join in by packing a preprinted shoe box found in the narthex or pack one on-line or make a donation.


Important Dates: National Collection Week is Nov. 18-25. The last day to drop off a box or make a donation at River of LIFE is TBD. For more information, check out the display in the narthex - talk to Dawn, Shelly, or Val - or visit


BINGO NIGHT – YOUTH FUNDRAISER Join us for an evening of fun and fellowship at the St. Peter Legion on Wednesday, October 16, as we play Bingo! All proceeds from this event will support River of LIFE Youth events.


Sign Up to Help: We’re looking for volunteers to bring treats for us to sell during the event and volunteers to help sell the treats. Half of our fundraising comes from the treat sales. You can sign up online by visiting the 'Helpful Links' section on our website, just below the red line on the homepage. As always, all signups are also available on our River of LIFE church app.


LADIES DAY OUT  Come relax with friends on Sunday, November 3, from 1:00 to 4:00pm at Paddlefish Brewery right here in beautiful downtown St. Peter. Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks will be available for purchase, and food can be brought in or delivered. Questions? Contact Kate Meyer. Everyone is welcome!