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Normally we wear name tags on the first Sunday of the month. We call this is our Fellowship Sunday and we also have treats on this day. Seeing the first Sunday of September was on Labor Day weekend we decided to have our Fellowship Sunday this weekend instead. This also allows us to celebrate the first day of Sunday School and Confirmation classes as well. We hope you enjoy the treats AND we hope you meet someone new today!


As a way to say thank you to our Sunday School teachers and offer them a break, there are two Sundays this year we are doing a Large Group activity instead of our normal Sunday School lesson and give our Sunday School teachers a week off. Can you be part of the team that helps puts together some ideas? This is a great way to get involved with a small commitment of time.


There will be a Fall Festival on Sunday, October 29th. This will be immediately following the worship service. More details regarding this event will be coming soon, but we wanted you to get this date saved on your calendar now.


Please mark your calendars for Saturday, October

FAMILY ROOM AVAILABLE: There is a live video feed of the service available at all times in our Fellowship Room at the back of the church.

14th for our Fall Cleanup Day. Many hands makes light work. We are also looking for a group of people that would be interested in helping a light meal for the helpers to eat after the cleanup. This is always a good incentive to come and help and a great way to fellowship with one another.


Third grade parents should have received an email from the office yesterday. Students will be receiving their Bibles during the worship services on Sunday, October 1. More information can be found in the email. If you didn’t receive an email, see Tracy for more information.


All announcements and/or event changes or additions need to be emailed to the office by noon on Thursday in order to appear in the upcoming Sunday’s bulletin and on the announcement screen. Please check the church website for up-to-date information and announcements throughout the week.

Our confirmation and our 5th & 6th grade students are invited to acolyte during the worship service. Parents, please check your email for more info. For students new to doing this, there is no need to worry. We will you an opportunity to practice before you are scheduled.