SOUND SYSTEM - Do you have an ear for sound? We are looking for a few individuals that are willing to be trained on running our sound system during the worship services.
PARADE - If you are interested in helping out with the parade in any capacity (decorate, walk, ride etc.), please sign-up on the sheet in the narthex. We will find out our unit number this week. We will communicate the decorating process and lineup information to everyone who is interested.
VBS DRAMA – We need two people for our VBS skits. These are super easy skits, just a couple minutes in length and no memorization is needed. The kids love watching these! If you have questions or are interested, talk to Tracy.
PAINTERS - Can you help us finish our paint project? Walls are prepped and ready for someone to roll on some paint. Let us know if you can help.
NICOLLET COUNTY FAIR – River of LIFE will have a booth at the Nicollet County Fair this year. At this point we need someone who can organize a game for the kids to play. Opportunities for staffing the booth will be made available toward the end of July.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL REGISTRATION OPEN - FREE to attend! Once you register you will receive a music code to download the music. Registration Info can be found on the church website.
SENIOR HIGH YOUTH GROUP MISSION TRIP - We have several youth that will be working at a mission site in South Dakota this summer. We are asking you to prayerfully consider helping with the financial need for this trip. Money can be placed in the offering plate, please mark it “Youth Trip”.
FRED WALTER PERFORMANCE - Fred Walter will be having a performance Here at River of LIFE on Wednesday, June 29 @ 6:30pm.
POOL PARTY - Get ready for some summer fun! We have the outdoor pool reserved TONIGHT, Sunday, June 26. There will be a potluck at 6:00 and the pool is reserved exclusively for River of LIFE from 7:00-9:00. Hotdogs and hamburgers provided, please bring a dish to pass.
LADIES DAY OUT - Sun, July 3 @ 2:00pm - Chankaska Winery Contact Jessie McQuiggin if interested, or just show up! Altar Flowers: Given by Roger & Lisa Rehnelt in celebration of their 27th Wedding Anniversary.