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Our new Director of Music, Wendy Greiner, is excited to start new music ministries at River of LIFE, and we want to know if you're interested in participating. Sign up on the clipboard at the Music Table in the narthex or complete the online survey that was emailed out to everyone on Friday.


We have various ways for you to support our VBS program this year. We have created an Amazon Wishlist, which we will update as needs arise. Additionally, we need help providing food for the free meals we offer each night. Various miscellaneous items are also needed for different uses during VBS. More info and specific items of need can be found on the VBS table in the narthex.


Update: We're looking for volunteers to organize a few afternoon games for the kids and for a few people to bring desserts (the main meal will be provided). You can sign up using the link found in the 'Helpful Links' area on our website, just below the red line on the home page. Additionally, there's a clipboard signup on the Music Table in the narthex.


Update: We still have a few needs for VBS and some potential needs in the music area. Are you a Thrivent member? We have a couple of projects that qualify for a Thrivent Action Team Grant. Please email the church office, and we will provide all the details you need to submit your application.


Help keep our church clean and inviting by vacuuming the sanctuary! Let us know your available dates, and we'll schedule you to vacuum just once within a 3 month period. We want to recruit a few more volunteers so that we can extend this so that volunteers will only need to vacuum once every 4 months. Update your Breeze Profile, email the church office or text the word SERVE to 833-944-3133 if you want to help out in this area


Starting in August, our Director of Music will offer piano and voice lessons here at the church. She'll teach piano mostly using a 'chord style' method, which is great for older beginners learning to read lead sheets like those used in our worship band. If you know anyone interested in piano or voice lessons, give her a call!