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This Lent, beginning Ash Wednesday, February 14, River of LIFE will kick off the Red Letter Challenge, a 40-day challenge where we, as brothers and sisters in Christ, are challenged to read the words of Jesus for 40 days straight. We’ll be reading, reflecting, and praying.

We are hoping for everyone to find a small group to join, so we need to know what day of the week would work best for you to participate. There are signup sheets in the narthex or you can complete the form online. There is a link for it on our website's home page.

An email was sent to everyone this last week, containing a link to an online signup form. This form will help us determine the most suitable day of the week for small-group bible studies. It would be greatly appreciated if you could take a few moments to fill out the form within the next couple of days. Our goal is to form groups this week. This is a new process for us, so we thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as we navigate through this process. This is a great opportunity to connect with others, so we hope you will consider participating in this study.

Easter Lily flower orders are due on Sunday, February 25th. Order forms can be found in the church narthex or information can be on our website

Come and join us after the church service today in the future youth room! You can leave your mark by signing your name, writing messages, your favorite scripture verse, a prayer or even drawing a picture on the floor before the new carpet is installed.

Our initial VBS planning meeting for our 2023 VBS will be held on Wednesday, February 7th at 6:00 pm. We are looking for volunteers to help with decorations, station leaders, food preparation, skits, publicity and more. If you can't attend the meeting but still want to be part of the process, contact Tracy and we'll keep you informed about future plans.